Our Services
Cesarean Delivery
A Caesarean is a type of surgery used to deliver a baby. The baby is surgically removed through an incision in the mother's abdomen and then a second incision in the uterus.
At AarPee Hospital, every cesarean operation is done with utmost care and precision. At first, the obstetrician will use a knife to make a horizontal incision in the skin and the abdominal wall. After the abdomen is opened, an incision is made in the uterus. Once this protective membrane is ruptured, the baby is removed from the uterus, the umbilical cord is cut, and the placenta is removed. The baby is examined then given back to the mother for skin-to-skin contact.
Once the delivery and afterbirth are completed, the cuts made to the mother's uterus are repaired with stitches, which will eventually dissolve under the skin. After the surgery, a woman will be taken to the hospital's maternity ward to recover.

General Health Checkup
With increasing lifestyle changes, health disorders have become quite rampant. Some of the biggest contributors to health problems are our everyday habits like smoking, drinking, stress, inadequate sleep, odd working hours, obesity and lack of exercise. With this in view and as a good practice most health experts recommend routine annual checks to determine if there is any cause for concern. This has led to a growing clamour for preventive health checks. As a starting point, these checks can help identify high risk problems such as diabetes, thyroid disorder, hypertension and others. All this helps to determine the onset of any disease in the early stages.
Preventive Healthcare also involves creating awareness and educating people on lifestyle modifications since some of these diseases need to be managed and an individual can look forward to a healthy life by correcting anomalies early.
Get your regular health checkup done at AarPee Hospital as you get treated by experienced and professional doctors in the most holistic manner.
A technician will attach 10 electrodes with adhesive pads to the skin of your chest, arms, and legs. If you're a guy, you may need to have your chest hair shaved to allow a better connection.
During the test you'll lie flat while a computer creates a picture, on graph paper, of the electrical impulses that move through your heart. This is called a "resting" EKG, although the same test may be used to check your heart while you exercise.
It takes about 10 minutes to attach the electrodes and complete the test, but the actual recording takes only a few seconds. Your doctor at AarPee Hospital will keep your EKG patterns on file so that he can compare them to tests you get in the future.
The doctors here are well-trained professionals and have been serving in government and private hospitals for many years.

Transurethral Incision of The Prostate (TUIP)
Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP) is a medical procedure to treat urinary symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate. This is generally used for men with small-to moderate-sized prostates.
TUIP is one of several minimally invasive treatment options for an enlarged prostate, a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). To determine the right treatment choice for you, the doctors at Aar Pee Hospital will consider how severe your symptoms are, what other health problems you have, and the size and shape of your prostate.
A combined visual and surgical instrument (resectoscope) is inserted through the tip of the penis into the tube that carries urine from the bladder (urethra). The prostate surrounds the urethra. The doctor cuts one or two small grooves in the area where the prostate and the bladder are connected (bladder neck) to open the urinary channel and allow urine to pass through more easily.
At AarPee Hospital, you can be assured of your successful treatment of TUIP, as the doctors here have a vast hands-on experience in TUIP surgery.
Gall Bladder (Biliary) Stone Treatment
Most people with gallstones that don't cause symptoms will never need treatment. Doctors at AarPee Hospital determine if treatment for gallstones is indicated based on your symptoms and the results of diagnostic testing.
Doctors at Aar Pee Hospital may recommend you to be alert for symptoms of gallstone complications, such as intensifying pain in your upper right abdomen. If gallstone signs and symptoms occur in the future, you can have the necessary treatment.
Treatment options for gallstones include:
- Surgery to remove the gallbladder (cholecystectomy). Doctors at Aar Pee Hospital may recommend surgery to remove your gallbladder, since gallstones frequently recur. Once your gallbladder is removed, bile flows directly from your liver into your small intestine, rather than being stored in your gallbladder.
- You don't need your gallbladder to live, and gallbladder removal doesn't affect your ability to digest food, but it can cause diarrhea, which is usually temporary.
- Medications to dissolve gallstones. Medications you take by mouth may help dissolve gallstones. But it may take months or years of treatment to dissolve your gallstones in this way and gallstones will likely form again if treatment is stopped.

Laparoscopic Surgery
Also known as diagnostic laparoscopy, is a surgical diagnostic procedure used to examine the organs inside the abdomen. It’s a low-risk, minimally invasive procedure that requires only small incisions. With experienced doctors at AarPee Hospital, there is always a surety of safety and success.
Laparoscopy uses an instrument called a laparoscope to look at the abdominal organs. A laparoscope is a long, thin tube with a high-intensity light and a high-resolution camera at the front. The instrument is inserted through an incision in the abdominal wall. As it moves along, the camera sends images to a video monitor.
Laparoscopy allows your doctor to see inside your body in real time, without open surgery. Doctor at Aar Pee Hospital may also obtain biopsy samples during this procedure.
Laparoscopy is often used to identify and diagnose the source of pelvic or abdominal pain. It’s usually performed when non-invasive methods are unable to help with diagnosis.
Laparoscopy is performed when these tests don’t provide enough information or insight for a diagnosis. The procedure may also be used to take a biopsy, or sample of tissue, from a particular organ in the abdomen.
Managing acute medical conditions
Most often, pericarditis is caused by a viral infection and the treatment is aimed at decreasing inflammation and controlling pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs (ibuprofen [Motrin and others], naproxen [Aleve, Naprosyn, and others]) are commonly used. A short course of narcotic pain medication may be helpful. For other causes of pericarditis, treatment of the underlying cause of pericarditis is essential, and the doctors at Aar Pee Hospital can do that in the most professional way.
Pericardiocentesis, a procedure where a thin needle is inserted through the chest wall into the pericardial sac, may be considered if a large effusion is present that affects heart function.
Pericardiotomy (cutting a hole in the pericardial sac) or pericardiectomy (removing the sac completely) may be needed for recurrent pericarditis that causes scarring within the pericardial sac and prevents the heart from beating properly.

Anal Fissure Surgery
Doctors at AarPee Hospital recommend a surgical procedure called partial lateral internal sphincterotomy as the technique of choice for the treatment of anal fissures. In this procedure, the internal anal sphincter is cut starting at its distal most end at the anal verge and extending into the anal canal for a distance equal to that of the fissure. The cut may extend to the dentate line, but not farther. The sphincter can be divided in a closed (percutaneous) fashion by tunneling under the anoderm or in an open fashion by cutting through the anoderm. The cut is made on the left or right side of the anus, hence the name "partial lateral internal sphincterotomy." The posterior midline, where the fissure usually is located, is avoided for fear of accentuating the posterior weakness of the muscle surrounding the anal canal.
Additional weakness posteriorly can lead to what is called a keyhole deformity, so called because the resulting anal canal resembles an old fashioned skeleton key. This deformity promotes soilage and leakage of stool.
Since the doctors at AarPee have been performing such surgeries since many years, there is a surety of a safe and successful surgery.
If the procedure is investigatory, the doctors at AarPee Hospital will use a flexible scope. Biopsies or other surgical procedures require a slightly thicker, rigid scope. The bigger scope allows surgical instruments to pass through it.
If you get a local or regional anesthetic, you may also be given a sedative to relax you. Your urethra will be numbed with an anesthetic spray or gel. You’ll still feel some sensations, but the gel makes the procedure less painful. The doctor will lubricate the scope with gel and carefully insert it into the urethra. This may burn slightly, and it may feel like urinating.
The doctor looks through a lens as the scope enters your bladder. A sterile solution also flows through to flood your bladder. This makes it easier for your doctor to see what’s going on. The fluid might give you an uncomfortable feeling of needing to urinate.
With local anesthesia, your cystoscopy may take less than five minutes. If you’re sedated or given general anesthesia, the entire procedure may take 15 to 30 minutes.
Given the latest equipments and the high tech surgical instruments, combined with the professional experience of the doctors at AarPee Hospital, there is a guarantee of safety and success.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Antibiotics usually are the first line treatment for urinary tract infections. Which drugs are prescribed and for how long depend on your health condition and the type of bacteria found in your urine.
Simple infection
The group of antibiotic medicines known as fluoroquinolones — such as ciprofloxacin (Cipro), levofloxacin (Levaquin) and others — isn't commonly recommended for simple UTIs, as the risks of these medicines generally outweigh the benefits for treating uncomplicated UTIs. In some cases, such as a complicated UTI or kidney infection, your doctor might prescribe a fluoroquinolone medicine if no other treatment options exist.
Often, symptoms clear up within a few days of treatment. But you may need to continue antibiotics for a week or more. Take the entire course of antibiotics as prescribed.
For an uncomplicated UTI that occurs when you're otherwise healthy, your doctor may recommend a shorter course of treatment, such as taking an antibiotic for one to three days. But whether this short course of treatment is enough to treat your infection depends on your particular symptoms and medical history.
The doctors at AarPee Hospital may also prescribe a pain medication (analgesic) that numbs your bladder and urethra to relieve burning while urinating, but pain usually is relieved soon after starting an antibiotic.
Intestine Surgery
Several small incisions (or ports) are made in the abdomen. A small camera is inserted through one of the ports to direct the surgeon to the colon. Surgical instruments are inserted through the other incisions and the colon is pulled through one of the ports and operated on externally, before being reinserted. This type of surgery is meant to result in a quicker recovery time for the patient and also less scarring. In some cases the surgeon will discover during surgery that they need to convert to open surgery due to unforeseen circumstances.
Once the surgeon has removed the colon the intestinal tract must be reconnected so you can pass stools. In IRA surgery the ileum (the last part of the small intestine) is joined directly to the rectum.
How the surgeon closes the incision/s in your abdomen depends on whether you received open or laparoscopic surgery. The wound in open surgery is often large and runs down the middle of the abdomen. In general this will be closed used clips which will then need to be removed around 10 days after surgery.
Doctors at AarPee Hospital have been trusted with safety and success in their medical surgeries, for years now.

Family planning and full contraceptive services
Family planning is a proven and cost-effective solution for improved maternal and child health. Access to contraception prevents unintended, often high risk pregnancies — those that come too early, too often or too late in life — and reduces the number of abortions. Furthermore, healthy spacing of births leads to improved child survival. Women with the ability to control their fertility have better access to education and employment opportunities, bringing economic benefits and improved livelihoods to their families and communities.
A lot of obstacles can stand between a woman and easy access to life-saving contraceptives — everything from a dearth of trained health providers, to commodity stockouts, to rampant myths that contraceptives cause infertility. Because of these barriers, 40% of all pregnancies each year (more than 85 million) are unintended and every day more than 800 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth.
The doctors at AarPee Hospital even provide consultation and relevant advice regarding family planning and all available contraceptive services, so that people are aware and responsible.
Ultrasound Scan
An ultrasound technician, called a sonographer, applies a special lubricating jelly to your skin. This prevents friction so they can rub the ultrasound transducer on your skin. The transducer has a similar appearance to a microphone. The jelly also helps transmit the sound waves.
The transducer sends high-frequency sound waves through your body. The waves echo as they hit a dense object, such as an organ or bone. Those echoes are then reflected back into a computer. The sound waves are at too high of a pitch for the human ear to hear. They form a picture that can be interpreted by the doctor.
Depending on the area being examined, you may need to change positions so the technician can have better access. After the procedure, the gel will be cleaned off of your skin. The whole procedure typically lasts less than 30 minutes, depending on the area being examined.
The doctors at AarPee Hospital are experienced professionals, and they conduct every ultrasound scan with utmost care and precision.

Labour and Delivery
At the onset of labor also known as the first stage, the cervix will be thinning (efface) and the baby's head will descend lower in thge pelvis. The amniotic sac will often break signaling that the baby is ready to begin their descent down the birthing canal. This descent is the heart of the vaginal delivery.
In order for the vaginal delivery to progress more smoothly, the baby will preferably be positioned head down. A baby presenting feet or butt first (also known as breech) has increased risks and most doctors recommend a cesarean delivery or section if this happens.
The second stage begins once the cervix is open all the way (10 cm or fully dilated) the baby begins to move out of the womb and into the birthing canal, the pushing will begin.
When the woman feels the pressure of baby moving down the birthing canal, she will feel a need to push. This pushing action, combined with the muscle contractions of the uterus will move baby slowly down the birthing canal toward the opening of the vaginal.
If the baby is too large for the vaginal opening or becomes stuck in the vaginal canal, an episiotomy may be performed.
Dr. Promila Gupta, at AarPee Hospital is very well-trained and experienced in labour and delivery operations.
Hernia Repair Surgery
General anaesthetic is used for keyhole inguinal hernia repair, so you'll be asleep during the operation.
During keyhole surgery, the surgeon usually makes three small incisions in your abdomen (instead of a single, larger incision).
A thin tube containing a light source and a camera (laparoscope) is inserted through one of these incisions, so the surgeon can see inside your abdomen. Special surgical instruments are inserted through the other incisions, so the surgeon can pull the hernia back into place.
There are two types of keyhole surgery:
- Transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) – Instruments are inserted through the muscle wall of your abdomen and through the lining covering your organs (the peritoneum). A flap of the peritoneum is peeled back over the hernia and a piece of mesh is stapled or glued to the weakened area in your abdomen wall to strengthen it.
- Totally extraperitoneal (TEP) – This is the newest keyhole technique. It involves repairing the hernia without entering the peritoneal cavity.
Once the repair is complete, the incisions in your skin are sealed with stitches or surgical glue.
For years, the doctors at AarPee Hospital have been performing such difficult surgeries successfully. So, there is no worry about surety and guarantee.

Abdominal Surgery
Abdominal surgery refers to any surgical operation on abdominal organs, including the stomach, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, appendix, liver, pancreas, spleen, esophagus and appendix. The procedures may be performed for a variety of reasons, including infection, obstruction, tumors or inflammatory bowel disease.
How is abdominal surgery performed?
In an open abdominal surgery, your surgeon will operate after making an abdominal incision, which will later be closed with sutures or staples. In a laparoscopic abdominal surgery, your surgeon makes several tiny incisions, and then inserts instruments placed through long, hollow tubes attached to a camera, which allows him or her to get a clear view of the internal organs. However, this type of procedure is not always possible for all conditions.
Many successful abdominal surgeries have been conducted at AarPee Hospital, as the doctors here are well-experienced and well-trained.
General Surgery
General surgery encompasses a broad range of surgery which includes:
- surgical conditions of the gastrointestinal tract from the oesophagus to the anus
- breast conditions
- kidney, pancreas and liver transplantation
- trauma to the abdomen and thorax
- certain skin conditions
- initial assessment of patients with peripheral vascular disease
- general surgery of childhood.
Dr. Rakesh Gupta and Dr. Promila Gupta have been practising and performing many general surgeries successfully at AarPee Hospital for many years now.